Wildlife Mitigation & Monitoring
Providing Protected Species Observers (PSOs) is at the heart of Smultea Sciences. We recognize that our ability to deliver exceptional PSO services begins and ends with our people. For this reason, we commit significant resources each year toward dedicated PSO recruitment, training, retention, and career advancement and education initiatives.
Services we officer include:
Protected Species Observation (PSO) Services
Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Services
Aerial – Vessel – Terrestrial – Acoustic
Real-time mapping with Mysticetus™️software
Data Management/Analysis/Reports
NMFS-Approved PSO/PAM Training
Terrestrial and Marine Wildlife, including birds
Sturgeon/Fish Monitoring/Observer Services
Project Examples
NYSERDA Aerial Surveys for Endangered Whales off New York
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
CLIENT: Tetra Tech
Served as Principal Investigator and Lead Aerial Observer for monthly week long line transect aerial surveys for marine mammals and sea turtle from shoreline to edge of the continental shelf off the state of Atlantic.
Designed survey protocols and led data analysis and reporting.
Offshore Wind Protected Species Observer (PSO) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Services
13 BOEM Lease Areas in the US Atlantic and Pacific
Marine Mammal Mitigation & Monitoring (PSO/PAM) during 24h operations
Applied technology: PAM, mounted infra-red (IR)/HD video, Mysticetus System, Night Vision Devices (NVDs), autonomous underwater vehicles/remote underwater vehicles (AUV/ROVs), SLR camera photography, reticle binoculars
Real-time North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW) mitigation measures and reporting
Data collection, QAQC analysis, and daily, weekly, monthly, 90-day, and annual regulatory reporting
Compliance/professional interpretation of NMFS Incidental Harassment Authorization permit and BOEM project lease regulatory requirements
Palmer Station, Antarctica:
United States
Antarctic Program,
Pier Construction PSO
National Science Foundation
Developed and Implemented Protected Species Observer (PSO) monitoring and mitigation protocols for Antarctic marine mammals and penguins
Delivered customized PSO training to Palmer Station personnel to facilitate supplemental monitoring effort
Additional project information from the National Science Foundation can be found here: