Environmental Impact Studies
At our core, we are a team of experts, dedicated to maintaining high-quality, scientific rigor at the core of project approach. As Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the field of marine and wildlife management and regulation, as a company, our team members have published over 60 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, presented well over 100 papers at conferences, written over 100 technical reports, and served on various management boards and committees involving marine mammal management and conservation.
Our scientific research and expertise includes:
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act
Environmental Impact Assessment (EA)
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
Biological Assessments (BA) and Evaluations (BE)
Field Research & Reporting​
Scientific Baseline Studies
Desktop Analysis Studies
Project Examples
Offshore Wind Special Projects
CLIENT: Ørsted
East Coast Collective BOEM Lease Reporting and Data Integration – Collated and analyzed data from multiple protected species observer providers across several lease areas. Wrote a combined report summarizing findings.
Two Night Vision/Infrared Technology white papers analyzing efficacy for detecting protected species at sea during darkness. Presented findings at the Society of Marine Mammalogy Global Conference and AWEA Offshore Wind. Final white paper submitted by client to NMFS for South Fork Wind.
Desktop & Biological Assessments
A sampling of our work.
Desktop study and probability analysis of Level B harassment potential for undisclosed client off Central California Coast
Review and Compilation of Systematic Surveys of Bowhead Whales in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, National Marine Fisheries Service
Harbor Seal & Sea Lion Density Estimation, Puget Sound Partnership
Biological Assessment, Construction of Containment Berm, Barrow, AK, US Navy
Cook Inlet Beluga Habitat-use Analysis Study, Anchorage, AK
Spinner Dolphin MMPA Regulatory Support
Recognized Experts: Recent publications and presentations
A sampling of our work.
California Data - Implications for Planning and Permitting. Offshore Wind California, Ian Todd and Whitney Fiore, SWCA Environmental Consultants and Dr. Mari Smultea, Smultea Sciences
It’s not easy being green: Minimizing the impact of offshore wind on wildlife. North American Clean Energy 10(5):48-49, Courbis, S.S., M.A. Smultea, and H. Cocca. 2016
Permitting Offshore Wind in California: Navigating the Federal and State Approval Process. Pacific Offshore Wind Webinar Series, May 26, 2021, Craig Reiser
PSO Detections of NARW; Significant Events for the Greater Good. North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium 2020, Craig Reiser