Smultea Sciences provides regulatory-driven wildlife monitoring, mitigation, and science-based reporting
The Health & Safety of our Offshore team is Paramount
Smultea Sciences provides marine and wildlife consulting services, balancing development needs with sustainability and wildlife conservation.
Our adaptive project management process includes comprehensive project planning, attentive project execution, and compliant data analysis.
Our Protected Species Observers (PSOs) are specially trained, scientific professionals who provide protected marine species monitoring and mitigation services.
What Makes Us Unique:
Adaptive and reliable management built on decades of experience
Established woman-owned small business
Wisdom-driven focus on economy and efficiencies for client satisfaction and project success
Our impeccable compliance and HSE record

Services & Expertise
Marine & wildlife Expertise
Protected Species Observation (PSO) Services
Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Services
Aerial – Vessel – Terrestrial – Acoustic
Real-time mapping with Mysticetus™️software
Data Management/Analysis/Reports
NMFS-Approved PSO/PAM Training
Terrestrial and Marine Wildlife, including birds
Sturgeon/Fish Monitoring/Observer Services
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act
Environmental Impact Assessment (EA)
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
Biological Assessments (BA) and Evaluations (BE)
Field Research & Reporting
Scientific Baseline Studies
Desktop Analysis Studies
MMPA - Marine Mammal Protection Act and ESA - Endangered Species Act
Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) Applications
Letter of Authorization (LOA) Applications
Agency Consultation
Environmental Permitting
Marine Mammal Mitigation & Monitoring Plans (4MP)
Featured Project
Experience on over 8 Atlantic BOEM offshore lease areas
Smultea Sciences set the OSW data and report standard preferred by NMFS/BOEM
Featured panel speaker with Pacific Ocean Energy Trust regarding cetaceans and West Coast Offshore Wind
Provided over 60% of PSO & PAM for US Atlantic Offshore Wind since 2016
Pacific Windfloat Demonstration Project
Member: Offshore Wind California
Approved by NMFS/BOEM to train/certify PSOs/PAM operators
Offshore WIND Energy

Smultea Sciences has been the premier wildlife expert for US marine renewable energy since 2014.
Offshore WIND Energy

Project History
CABOW – Coastal Acoustic Buoy for Offshore Wind, Sea Trials
Equinor Empire Wind
New England Aqua Ventus
Nearshore Bathymetry Support
Ørsted South Fork Wind – Combined PSO Report
Ørsted South Fork Wind - Review of Night Vision Technologies
Pier Replacement, Palmer Station, Antarctica
Puget Sound Partnership Harbor Seal Abundance Study
Puget Sound Partnership Sea Lion Abundance Study
Revolution Wind
Skipjack Wind
South Fork Wind
Sunrise Wind
US Wind
US Navy Ship Shock Trials
Bay State Wind
Deepwater Wind Skipjack
Dominion Wind UAX
Equinor Empire Wind
Oceaneering Gulf of Mexico
Ocean Wind
Puget Sound Partnership Harbor Seal Abundance
Revolution Wind
Scripps/NSF Uruguay - Namibia
Sunrise Wind
Vineyard Wind
Bay State Wind
Deepwater Wind
Honua HDOT Molokai Bird Surveys
NMFS PEIS Long-line Fisheries Pacific
NYSERDA Aerial Surveys
Navy Marine Mammal Aerial Density Surveys, WA
Ocean Wind
Puget Sound Harbor Seal Density
Spinner Dolphin MMPA Regulatory Support
TDI Gulf of Mexico MMO
Alaska Cook Inlet LNG
Apache Cook Inlet PSO Services
Atlantic Seismic IHA Advisor (CGG)
Atlantic Seismic IHA (Schlumberger/W Geophysical)
Atlantic Seismic IHA (TGS)
Beaufort Sea BP/SAE PSO Services
BP/SAE North Prudhoe Bay PSO Services
Greenland Polar Fields Services PSO Support
Level B Harassment Assessment & Noise Probability Analysis, CA
NMML San Juan Islands Aerial Surveys
Navy/HDR Puget Sound Harbor Seal Workshop
Navy /HDR Marine Mammal Aerial Density Surveys, WA
Navy/ManTech S CA Density Models
TGS/ASRC Chukchi Sea IHA
Windfloat Pacific Offshore Wind Demonstration Project, OR
Apache Cook Inlet PSO Services
Chukchi Sea Environmental Studies Program Review
Cook Inlet Beluga Habitat Analysis Study
Navy /HDR Marine Mammal Aerial Density Surveys, WA
Navy Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys, CA & HI
TGS/ASRC Chukchi Sea IHA
Beaufort Sea Pt. Thompson EIS
Biological Assessment Wastewater Discharge on Cook Inlet Beluga Whales
Navy Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys, CA & HI
Navy/HDR Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys, Atlantic
NMFS Bowhead Whale Beaufort and Chukchi Seas survey review and data compilation
Beaufort Sea Pt. Thompson EIS
Biological Assessment Wastewater Discharge on Cook Inlet Beluga Whales
EA and IHA Acoustic review of impacts of Seismic activities on Sea turtles
Knick Arm Bridge LOA Marine Mammal/Beluga Whale Review, Anchorage, AK
Navy Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys, CA & HI
NMFS Bowhead Whale Beaufort and Chukchi Seas survey review and data compilation
Programmatic EIS/OEIS for all Major Oceans – National Science Foundation
Regulatory Assessment for Gulf of Mexico offshore oil exploration
Conoco-Phillips Beluga River, Cook Inlet, AK vessel and aerial marine mammal monitoring
Navy vessel-based marine mammal monitoring, Pearl Harbor, HI
Nuiksut CGG Veritas IHA Application, Beaufort Sea
Programmatic EIS/OEIS for all Major Oceans – National Science Foundation
South Fork Wind COP Compliance Support
Puget Sound Partnership Sea Lion Abundance Report
Pier Replacement Palmer Station Antarctica
US Wind - Geotechnical
Ocean Wind 1 - Pmec
Ocean Wind 2 - Geophysical
Advanced Acoustic Technology Demo for Ørsted
Revolution Wind - Geophysical, Pmec
South Fork Wind - Geophysical
Sunrise Wind - Geophysical & Geotechnical, Pmec
Skipjack Wind 2 - Geotechnical
Aleutian Islands Cable Lay Alaska
New England Aqua Ventus
Equinor Empire Wind
Ocean Wind
Puget Sound Partnership Harbor Seal Abundance
Revolution Wind
South Fork Wind
Sunrise Wind
Bay State Wind
Deepwater Wind Skipjack
Dominion Wind UAX
Equinor Empire Wind
Oceaneering Gulf of Mexico
Ocean Wind
Puget Sound Partnership Harbor Seal Abundance
Revolution Wind
Scripps/NSF Uruguay - Namibia
Sunrise Wind
Vineyard Wind
Alaska Cook Inlet LNG
Atlantic Seismic IHA Advisor (CGG)
Atlantic Seismic IHA (Schlumberger/W Geophysical)
Atlantic Seismic IHA (TGS)
Bay State Wind
Consistency Certification Atlantic (Schlumberger)
Honua HDOT Molokai Bird Surveys
NMFS PEIS Long-line Fisheries Pacific
NMML San Juan Islands Aerial Surveys
NYSERDA Aerial Surveys
Navy/HDR Marine Mammal Aerial Density Surveys, WA
Navy/ManTech S CA Density Models
Puget Sound Harbor Seal Workshop
TGS/ASRC Chukchi Sea IHA
Vineyard Wind
Apache Cook Inlet PSO Services
Atlantic Seismic IHA Advisor (CGG)
Atlantic Seismic IHA (Schlumberger/W Geophysical)
Atlantic Seismic IHA (TGS)
Beaufort Sea BP/SAE PSO Services
Cook Inlet Beluga Habitat Analysis Study
BP/SAE North Prudhoe Bay PSO Services
Navy Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys, CA & HI
Navy /HDR Marine Mammal Aerial Density Surveys, WA
TGS/ASRC Chukchi Sea IHA
Windfloat Pacific Offshore Wind Demonstration Project, OR
Navy Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys, CA & HI
TGS/ASRC Chukchi Sea IHA
Beaufort Sea Pt. Thompson EIS
Biological Assessment Wastewater Discharge on Cook Inlet Beluga Whales
Knick Arm Bridge LOA Marine Mammal/Beluga Whale Review, Anchorage, AK
NMFS Bowhead Whale Beaufort and Chukchi Seas survey review and data compilation
Navy Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys, CA & HI
Programmatic EIS/OEIS for all Major Oceans – National Science Foundation
IHA for Incidental Taking of ringed seals during on-ice seismic operations, Beaufort Sea
National Science Foundation / Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (L-DEO) LGL EAs and IHAs Pacific, Atlantic, & Caribbean
Navy Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys, CA & HI
NMFS Bowhead Whale Beaufort and Chukchi Seas survey review and data compilation
Programmatic EIS/OEIS for all Major Oceans – National Science Foundation